Monday, February 4, 2008

Review: Elite Pull Through Handle

If you don't already do pull-throughs, you should start doing them. If you already do them using a rope or some other handle, you should pick up the Elite Fitness Systems pull-through handle. If you go to a commercial gym, like my horrible horrible gym, then chances are you don't know what a pull-through is. The pull-through is a great exercise for your posterior chain. Don't know what the posterior chain is? You've got a lot of work to do pal. Jim Wendler explains its importance in this interview.

The average trainee sorely neglects the posterior chain, probably because he/she can't see it in the mirror, but it is unquestionably one of the primary keys to being truly strong and it is also of vital importance to anyone who wants to be faster. In fact, I'm sorry to have to break it to you, but we can safely say that if your posterior chain is weak, then you are not strong. Nice peak on those biceps though!

The heavy work for the posterior chain is done with variations of deadlifts, squats and good mornings but there are a number of other exercises that are excellent, like glute-ham raises and reverse hypers or sled work, but these require equipment that the average gym is not likely to have. That's why pull-throughs are so invaluable. All you need is a cable machine, or a place to affix a band. Using a cable pulley and a rope handle will get you started nicely. But the specially designed pull-through handle is an inexpensive and helpful way to improve your pull-throughs.

You notice right away that it is durable and well-constructed. It has a little weight to it and it's clearly built to withstand the abuse of a serious gym. It's also designed to allow a comfortable pronated grip which is nice. You can use it in the gym on a cable, or you can use it with a sled outdoors. Not only is it functional, cheap and well built, but it provides considerable amusement as well: the bicep curlers in my horrible horrible gym stare in utter bewilderment when I whip this baby out of the gym bag and start doing pull-throughs. I guess they're trying to figure out how it works the biceps.

You can only get one here.